Welcome to Day 2

“Self-care is not selfish. It’s vital.”

Today we’ll explore the key ingredients of REAL self-care and how to cultivate a daily Self-Care Habit that helps you flourish.

Day 2 Training Plan:

  1. Watch the Day 2 training video.

  2. Take a moment to ‘get real’ about your current self-care habits (pun intended). What are you doing consistently (on a daily or near-daily) basis to support your mental, emotional and physical well-being? Use the following list to help you get clear on REAL self-care (versus comfort/indulgence):

    Getting quality sleep

    Getting at least 5 minutes of sunlight (more on cloudy/overcast days)

    Movement (any kind that feels good!)

    Nutrients (consuming less processed/packaged food and more ‘stuff that grows’)

    Touch (all kinds! Hugging, holding hands, massage, body brushing, etc)

    Connection (spending time with others and/or in relationship with yourself)


    Just ‘being’ (time spent UNPLUGGED and ideally without a deadline/to-do list)

  3. Choose one small, daily self-care habit that you’re willing to commit to—and stick to—starting today.

Pro Tips

  • Start small and simple. Tiny shifts add up to big changes when they’re repeated day after day!

  • The key to success here is consistency, not perfection. So just do the best you can on any given day. And if you do miss a day (or even two), start again. Remember: a half-hearted effort is better than no effort.

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