Welcome to Day 2
“Self-care is not selfish. It’s vital.”
Today we’ll explore the key ingredients of REAL self-care and how to cultivate a daily Self-Care Habit that helps you flourish.
Day 2 Training Plan:
Watch the Day 2 training video.
Take a moment to ‘get real’ about your current self-care habits (pun intended). What are you doing consistently (on a daily or near-daily) basis to support your mental, emotional and physical well-being? Use the following list to help you get clear on REAL self-care (versus comfort/indulgence):
Getting quality sleepGetting at least 5 minutes of sunlight (more on cloudy/overcast days)
Movement (any kind that feels good!)
Nutrients (consuming less processed/packaged food and more ‘stuff that grows’)
Touch (all kinds! Hugging, holding hands, massage, body brushing, etc)
Connection (spending time with others and/or in relationship with yourself)
Just ‘being’ (time spent UNPLUGGED and ideally without a deadline/to-do list)
Choose one small, daily self-care habit that you’re willing to commit to—and stick to—starting today.
Pro Tips
Start small and simple. Tiny shifts add up to big changes when they’re repeated day after day!
The key to success here is consistency, not perfection. So just do the best you can on any given day. And if you do miss a day (or even two), start again. Remember: a half-hearted effort is better than no effort.
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