Three Ways to Feel Amazing RIGHT F**KING NOW
Three Ways to Feel Amazing RIGHT F**KING NOW
Feb 10, 2023
By Marta Kagan
Here's something that used to happen to me every February (see if you can relate):
I'd have a bad day.
That bad day would stick to me like gum-on-my-shoe, and before I knew what happened, my bad day would become a 'bad week.'
Since it's February—the WORST month of the year IMO—I'd start to feel a little sorry for myself. I'd start noticing every little shitty thing that happened to me or around me like there was giant neon sign that said, "EVERYTHING SUCKS."
I'd more or less start EXPECTING things to go wrong.
Things would go wrong.
And soon I was a broken record playing this song:
"See? I knew things would be shitty. Fucking February, man, I tell you."
Has this ever happened to you?
I'm happy to say that it does NOT happen to me anymore. The 'bad day' thing? Yeah, sure. Everyone has a bad day every now and again. But bad days (or even bad weeks) no longer have power over me. I'm no longer sucked into their sticky web of negativity... because I practice daily mental fitness.
And because I've learned a whole lotta ways to SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT when the Sunday Scaries or the Monday Moodies show up uninvited.
And today, I’m going to share a few of my favorite Snap the Fuck Out of It Strategies with you!
Here we go…
Strategy #1: Drop it like it’s hot
If I put a lump of hot coal in your hand right now, what would you do?
I’ll tell you what you’d do: you’d fucking drop that shit.
That fucker is burning your hand, and the quickest way to make it STOP burning is to DROP IT. Also, this 'hot coal' is a metaphor for your crappy day (or rather, for whatever is causing it). Maybe it's a painful memory, a “life’s not fair” soundtrack, a deep regret, an angry thought, or an anxious vision of a possible tomorrow.
*It’s just a thought.*It’s not real. It’s either a memory of something that already happened (aka it’s OVER), or it’s a fear of a possible future (aka it HASN’T HAPPENED YET).
So, I repeat: DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT.
Strategy #2: Breathe it out
If you've done the Marvelus 5-Day Mindset Reset, (or watched this video), you already know what a huge impact conscious breathing can have on our mental state.
The way you breathe is the way you feel.
Don't believe me? Ask anyone who's had a panic attack.
Changing your breathing pattern is the FASTEST way to change your mental state (and your mood) because you're literally resetting your nervous system. Longer exhales = RELAXATION. Longer inhales = ENERGIZING. (I'm oversimplifying but also... it really is that simple!)
So next time you're freaking out, take two minutes to notice your breath and consciously slow it the fuck down.
Strategy #3: Move
I’m not going to lecture you about “getting some exercise.” (First of all, I'm not your mother, and also... MOVING is not the same as EXERCISING in my book.)
When I say "move" I mean literally just get up from wherever you're sitting when that bad mood grabs you by the ankles and walk to a new location.
If you also want to do some jumping jacks or cartwheels or go for a run, do it. But my point here isn't that you have to break a sweat. My point here is that a physical change in perspective requires a chemical shift in your brain (and body). It's like hitting Ctrl+Alt+Delete on the soundtrack in your head.
Don't believe me? Give this a ponder:
How often do you get up from your desk or the couch to 'go get something upstairs' only to discover that by the time you're upstairs, you have no fucking clue what you got up for in the first place?
Yeah, that's right. All the fucking time. (Me too, by the way.)
That's because there's a subtle but necessary shift that happens in your brain when you move (or relocate) your body. The more you move, the less subtle... but even swithcing chairs, rooms, or stepping outside for a few moments can be the 'snap out of it' moment you need to start fresh.
Oh, and—you don’t have to be in a bad mood to benefit from my suggestions. They are, like the title of this post says, three ways to feel amazing RIGHT FUCKING NOW!