Ep. 26 - Authentic Living with Joey MacGilvray
Ep. 26 - Authentic Living with Joey MacGilvray
Have you ever compromised your values or your truth in order to make someone like you, accept you, or approve of you? Most humans have. Even though we aspire to "be ourselves," it's not always easy to live authentically—especially if the true, authentic version of you doesn't fit your community's (or your family's) mold.
This is exactly the situation in which my dear friend (and today's guest) Joey MacGilvray found himself as a gay kid growing up in Medford, MA in the 1980s. Listen as Joey shares his incredible story including:
why he never thought he'd live past 40
where he found support, community and positive role models (even in the most challenging, darkest of times)
how he's managed to live so authentically for over five decades—in spite of immense pressure, frequent rejection, and even violence
the mental-emotional fitness practices that have supported him and his husband of 23 years
and so much more!
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